Let's talk about all the stuff in the title, mashed together. It's ugly. It's a lot of women on an online forum, complaining and mushing about not being pregnant for Christmas.
I'm sorry if I come across as rude or insensitive, but I like being a part of TTC forums for informational purposes, and to include other women in my journey. I understand the heartbreak of another period, or all of those stark white BFNs. But I don't want people to drag me down; I do that enough on my own. I want hope! When something goes wrong, I take it as a challenge to do it right the next time. Yes, this is only my third month of trying, but each month I have done something different to try to change my outcome.
Yes, I sit around and mope sometimes. But I don't do it publicly on forums because I feel like it should be a more positive place.
But heaven forbid if I were to actually say this! Some women in TTC groups are super sensitive, and I feel sometimes as if I'm walking on eggshells. I understand a lot of women deal with infertility issues, but there are support groups for those specific problems. I don't look down on those women, but EVERYONE complains of being jealous of pregnant women. All. The. Time.
Just this last weekend I had my hand on my sister-in-law's very pregnant belly, feeling my nephew move around. I was overcome with love and nostalgia. I can't wait for that day again, but in no way did I secretly hate her, or become jealous.
It made me want to try harder.
In all of this, I hope I've inspired you to think of yourself not as a failure. You are never a failure - you just have to keep going, and keep trying.
On that note, today marks the start of my fertile week - FINGERS CROSSED!! XXX
Thanks for the insight Haley!