Saturday, December 27, 2014

TTC and Sex during the Holidays

I can't be the only one going through fertile week during the holidays. I wasn't even scheduled to ovulate until between Christmas and New years, and what do you know? A blazing positive OPK a week early, which just so happened to be right after we got home from my in-laws!
Do you know what we did at my in-laws? Absolutely nothing. We were in a cramped room with my son to attempt at a good night's sleep. There was no sexy time to be had. Which is really too bad, because I was turned on the entire time we were there! Go figure.
I'm not a particularly sexual person, and the one time I wanted it, my husband was totally unavailable.
I feel like TTC during the holidays should be a video game achievement or SOMETHING. It is hard work, it has to be perfectly timed (especially with a little one already around!) It was a dang chore to have sex two days in a row. I was planning on doing the baby dance every other day between my fertile window, and then that positive OPK messed up my master plan!
Okay, so you really can't always get what you want. It will come around when the time is right. Or when you least expect it, or whatever makes you feel better.

So currently, I'm in the dreaded two week wait, and I'll be testing in a week!
Stay tuned!

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