Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Which is worse?

There are so many people who say trying to conceive should be fun

Those people are obviously the ones who have never tried.

It's like the damn military, everything is all "HURRY UP AND WAIT."
We're always waiting for something.

We're waiting for that first positive ovulation test.
We're waiting for the dye to finally quit running.
We're waiting for fertile week on our app.
We're waiting for the thermometer to beep.

Then we're waiting for any symptom at all to mean something.
We're waiting for someone to comment on our post to give us some kind of hope.
We're waiting for our tests to come in the mail.
We're waiting for our paycheck, so we can blow it on some more tests.
We're waiting, again, for that dye to stop running.

And now we're waiting for the dreaded time in our menstrual cycle we call "Aunt Flo".
There are many names for her, but the bottom line is, she's the most unwanted visitor of them all.
It's the worst thing to wait for.
I'm now 14 Days Past Ovulation, and all of my tests are coming up negative.

A week ago I started craving chocolate.
I should have given up then.

On we go, to Cycle #4. Just waiting for that one red headed family member to show her ugly face.
Another one bites the dust.

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